The Elves and the Shoemaker at SM City Rosales

The Elves and the Shoemaker


SM City Rosales ushers in the Christmas season with yet another magical display at the Mall Atrium—The Elves and the Shoemaker! The Christmas display features a wood workshop filled with the characters straight from the storybook complete with a giant, glowing clock which serves as the main backdrop of the centerpiece.

The Elves and the Shoemaker Christmas display will be open until January 6, 2013.


Altar of the Holy Family at SM City Tarlac

Altar of the Holy Family at 
SM City Tarlac 

      The altar is one of the sacred objects inside a place of worship. To Catholics, it is where the Eucharist is performed to give thanks to the Almighty. And inside a home of every believer of the same faith, there is a special place for holy images to serve as a constant reminder to pray. In both areas, the images could be holy patrons that are revered as consecrated guardians.
One of these patrons who most Filipinos pay homage to is the Holy Family: Jesus, Mary & Joseph.  Like the Holy Family, most Filipinos have close family ties and we do everything to keep everyone together through thick and thin. That is why many are giving devotion to the examples of the Holy Family , which is annually remembered during the scene of the Nativity every Christmas. Virtues like steadfastness, faithfulness, and forbearance are epitomized in the Holy Family’s story.
     In this light, this year’s belen set-up of SM City Tarlac for the Belenismo sa Tarlac 2012 is entitled the “Altar of the Holy Family”, giving utmost respect to the persona of the images: Father, Mother & child. But above all, SM City Tarlac would like to emphasize through its belen concept that simplicity gives rise to the sacredness & unity of the Holy Family – traditional values which each Filipino family should emulate.

    The SM belen images are made from acrylic coated sculptured polyurethane and resin fiberglass materials. The gazebo is a finished gold metal fabrication with European style design and intricate embossed patterns, with effects of LED curtain lightings, spot and flood lights. The set-up is well secured and can withstand all-weather changes to last the duration of more than two month long of display. True to the humble charisma of the “Holy Family” the set-up looks elegant in its simplicity yet laboured painstakingly to the details which took more than a month to fabricate and more than twenty persons to install it on-site.  

       Like the three wise men who followed the guiding star that led them to the manger, may the real spirit of Christmas continue to dwell in everybody’s heart through the celebration of Belenismo sa Tarlac.


Christmas Mushroom Wonderland at SM City Rosario

 SM City Rosario's Christmas Mushroom Wonderland

   Last November 10. 2012, fairies, elves and toy soldiers gathered gleefully and danced in harmony at the unveiling of SM City Rosario’s Christmas Mushroom Wonderland.

     SM City Rosario proudly presents Christmas Mushroom Wonderland. A Christmas magical garden full packed with sparkling jeweled mushrooms, majestic reindeer, shimmering rabbits, and dazzling squirrels accompanied by three humungous Christmas trees. The Mushroom displays are diversely everywhere and glittering in different sizes.

Such an enchanted realm filled with joy and happiness for kids and the young at heart.


A Castle at SM Center Muntinlupa

  A Castle at SM Center Muntinlupa
     This year SM Center Muntinlupa presents an opportunity for our valued shoppers to experience the Magical Christmas Celebrations thru majestic castle and giant  christmas trees.  

           The 40-feet-tall castle was painted in blue to align with the company color.  The giant Christmas trees were decorated with shining christmas balls, lights and poinsettia flowers.  And lastly, the giant gift boxes were encased with bright and colorful wrappers.

What a  unique ways to experience the Holiday Seasons here at SM Supermalls! :) 


Christmas Spirit of SM City Marikina

The Fire and Warmth of the Christmas Spirit in our Home

SM City Marikina’s Santa’s Fireplace gives us the sentiment that our SM mall is our home away from home. It encapsulates a warm homey feel and gives us the overall sense of happiness from the comfort of celebrating the Christmas season with our family and loved-ones. SM Marikina’s Santa’s Fireplace is a symbol of the warmth and fire in our hearts to celebrate the coming of Christ in our homes, and more so that place that we value as our second home.  

To celebrate and initiate the spread of love and cheers throughout the mall, SM City Marikina opened the season with the unveiling and launch of the Christmas Centerpiece. The event was hosted by DJ Pam of Wave 89.1 as the celebration was graced by the presence of the Local Government officials such as Mayor Del De Guzman and Vice- Mayor Fabian Cadiz among others. The Central 2’s ROManager, Ms. Johanna N. Rupisan, and the SM City Marikina Mall Manager, Ms. Mitchell S. Martel were among the SM Management that were present in the program.

The celebration was a feast for the senses as shoppers listened to the beautiful music from the Our Lady of the Abandoned Choir.  The Serenata String Quartet set the Christmas mood as the guests took their seats and greeted their friends and some familiar faces. Shoppers gazed at the eye catching dance performances of Teatro Marikeno and the booming finale performance of UP Street Dance Club. Guests smiled and moved to the soulful voice of Sam Conception as he serenaded the crowd while shoppers laughed and cheered with Kuya Tony Pet Gaba as he headed the gift-giving ceremony. The crowd’s heart melted as gifts, Christmas shirts, and Jollibee sponsored food were whole heartedly given to the 100 kids from Marikina’s District 1 Congressman Marcy Teodoro’s local welfare program. Hearts skipped a beat as Jollibee and his pals took the stage to dance a special number for the kids. The delectable palates were satisfied as Jollibee and Vikings sponsored food and dinner of the kids and adults. And most importantly, smiles were high beaming as kids enjoyed the company of Sta. Claus as he too was unveiled with the Christmas Centerpiece.

For SM City Marikina, the event was not just a launch of the Christmas Centerpiece, but it was a way to thank its supporters, shoppers, and its overall community for the loyalty they have displayed throughout the years. SM City Marikina, through its stringent and detailed program of events, intended to please its patrons, share the love for Christmas, and show its love to the community that made it feel like it is indeed a second home for most families who are steadfast in sharing both mundane and special family moments at the mall.


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